Enter to Win! Passes to Advanced Screenings of Clooney’s “The Men Who Stare at Goats”

As we snuggle beneath the blankets of fall, I thought it was time to grade each new and returning series thus far (at least those I actually watch).
Alphabetically, of course:
The Amazing Race: B
Seriously bummed at last week’s unfortunate elimination due to lost passports.
The Biggest Loser: B+
Pulls the heartstrings, completely inspiring. You can’t help but root for these contestants, and have to like a reality show that changes and saves so many lives.
Bones: B
I am on the impatient bandwagon that wants Booth & Bones to just date already. It is detracting from the show at this point, and just about everyone wants to see them together.
Bored to Death: B-
This new HBO series has yet to capture my attention entirely, but I enjoy the cast and will continue watching.
Brothers & Sisters: B
They are handling Kitty’s crisis with proper poignancy. Bonus points for not forcing more of Ryan or Tommy on us.
Community: B
I really like Joel McHale and Danny Pudi, but am not in love with the rest of the supporting cast…yet.
Cougar Town: B
A new and true guilty pleasure. I liked Courtney Cox in Dirt and even more in this role.
Curb Your Enthusiasm: B
I am rooting for him to reunite with Cheryl, and was very entertained by the Seinfeld reunion.
Desperate Housewives: C+
I tuned back in this season solely because of Drea de Matteo. But the new-family-with-mysterious-son storyline is beyond stale on Wisteria Lane.
Dexter: A
Unforseen character twists and surprising endings, plus an even more complicated family life has made Dexter even more compelling this season.
Dollhouse: B+
With the exception of the baby episode, I have loved the second season thus far.
FlashForward: A
My favorite new drama in five years. Here is my new FF theory site, if you’re interested.
Fringe: A
Tied with House for the best first episode of the fall season. They have kicked it up a notch in all areas.
Glee: A
No other show makes me smile or actually reflect fondly upon the awkward years as much as this one.
The Good Wife: B+
A very pleasant surprise and my first ever CBS procedural.
Grey’s Anatomy: B
It took six seasons, but I finally like Meredith Grey.
Heroes: C
I loved the first season, and have been quietly and patiently awaiting a return to form. As of this week, Heroes has been removed from my TiVO Season Pass list for good.
House: A-
Now THAT was a stellar season premiere. I have to say that I miss having Thirteen around.
Medium: A-
Given NBC’s recent series of primetime errors in judgement, I am thrilled that CBS picked up this series.
Modern Family: A
So. Damn. Funny. Easily the best new comedy of the season.
The Office: B-
I loved the last 15 minutes of the Jim & Pam wedding episode. Other than that, I have not laughed out loud once yet this season.
Parks & Recreation: B
A huge improvement from its freshman effort. I now much prefer to watch Amy Poehler than Steve Carell.
Private Practice: B
Bring Naomi back to the right floor, and hire on Charlotte to work there as well. Let the entertaining relationship fireworks begin.
Survivor: Samoa: C+
Perhaps CBS should have reconsidered their over-promotion of Russel as the biggest villain ever. Compared to Richard Hatch, he is dull and rather gross.
I am excited for the return of 30 Rock, tomorrow night on NBC. And Nip/Tuck returns to FX this evening; it became a guilty pleasure long ago.
But the new show I am now anticipating the most is V, which debuts on Tuesday, November 3 (ABC). I’ve seen the pilot, and loved it. Stay tuned for a preview review soon.
Let me know what you think about Fall TV thus far; which shows are you enjoying the most and least?
After leaving a screening of Whip It, my first thought was simply, “that was a hell of a lot of fun.” Over a week later, I concur with my original assessment.
You do not need to be familiar with the world of roller derby to enjoy this movie. Whip It is refreshing in the sense that it is a female-centric film that focuses on athletic ability far more than romance. However, I would not label Whip It as a chick-flick; trust me, husbands and boyfriends will be just as interested and absorbed in the rink action as wives and girlfriends. There is a great deal of physicality and talent on display for all to admire.
The ensemble cast of Whip It is a huge draw, from the very likable Ellen Page to the brilliant Kristin Wiig. Daniel Stern and Marcia Gay Harden are terrific as Page’s parents, as is Alia Shawkat (Arrested Development) as her best friend. Other stand-outs in the rink are singer/actress Eve, actress/stuntwoman Zoe Bell, the versatile Ari Graynor (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Dunham’s sister on Fringe) and the multifaceted Juliette Lewis, who embodies the ’enemy’ with great ease and humor.
Aside from Jimmy Fallon’s reliably funny turn as the in-house Derby announcer, actor Andrew Wilson steals the show as the Hurl Scouts coach, Razor. His look in Whip It reminded me of Luke Wilson in The Royal Tenenbaums; clearly I was probably the last person on earth to realize that they are actually brothers.
Whip It was written by relative newcomer Shauna Cross, and marks Drew Barrymore’s impressive directorial debut (she also appears in the movie).
So if you’re seeking a fun night out with a date, your family or group of friends, Whip It is the perfect action comedy film for you.