Hair Brained: The Great Grow-Out 08
Here’s the thing.
I have short hair (think k.d. lang). It is thick and sassy, and I have been sporting a faux hawk with mild success.
But here’s the thing.
My good friend Jackie was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. And she has to shave her long, luxurious locks soon. So while spending time with her this afternoon at a bbq, we joked about switching hair. And then I said I would grow mine out because she has to cut hers off. Sounds only fair, right? Yeah, so that’s happening.
As of tonight, Hair Brained: The Great Grow-Out 08 begins. It won’t be pretty, quite literally. But it’s the least I can do for her. Because she is one of my favorite people on the planet. And because it’s too personal to write about. And because it’s more productive than crying. And because it’s not f’ing fair. And because I love her.
Given that I share just about everything else on this site, it’s only natural that I would share the progress with you as well. So here is the first in what will be a very entertaining line of silly photos of my hair.
Day 1
I heart Jackie.