Fall Film Preview 2008

Besides Iron Man and Dark Knight, I can’t name two films I’ve really enjoyed this year so far. It’s September; that’s a sad statement.

As the leaves begin to think about changing colors and the air becomes delightfully crisp from now until the holidays (memo to God re: CA…please grace us with that weather sooner than later), I start looking forward to the release of higher quality and Oscar-caliber films.

Here are a few on my must-see list:

Release date: November 26, 2008
Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman. Directed by Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge).

Release date: October 3, 2008
Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal, Danny Glover, Sandra Oh. Directed by Fernando Meirelles (The Constant Gardner).

Release date: October 31, 2008
Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Amy Ryan. Directed by Clint Eastwood (Million Dollar Baby).

Release date: December 25, 2008
Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton. Directed by David Fincher (Zodiac, Fight Club).

Release date: December 25, 2008
Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Philip Seymour Hoffman. Directed by John Patrick Shanley.

Release date: September 2008 tbd
Kiera Knightly, Ralph Fiennes. Directed by Saul Dibb.

Release date: November 26, 2008
Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Diego Luna. Directed by Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting).

Release date: October 2008 tbd
Anne Hathaway, Debra Winger. Directed by Jonathan Demme (The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia).

Release date: December 26, 2008
Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. Directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty).

Release date: November 2008 tbd
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Hope Davis, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Catherine Keener, Samantha Morton, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest, Michelle Williams. Directed by Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).

Release date: December 25, 2008
Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Jaime King, Gabriel Macht, Eva Mendes, Sarah Paulson. Directed by Frank Miller (300, Sin City).

Release date: October 17, 2008
Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Banks, Ellen Burstyn, Richard Dreyfuss, Scott Glenn, Thandie Newton, Jeffrey Wright. Directed by Oliver Stone.

Of course there are many other new releases in the coming months which I’d like to see, but not necessarily in the theater.

Which fall & winter movies top your list?

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The Hype, The Buzz, The New Series: FRINGE

I’m sure you’ve heard of it by now, the new television show created by some guy named J. J. Abrams (Alias, Felicity, Lost).

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to watch an unedited 90 minute version of the Fringe pilot at Comic-Con earlier this summer, and I was captivated instantly.

But don’t just take my word for it (nor the thousands of other opinions everywhere) – watch it when it debuts tomorrow night (September 9) at 8pm on FOX. And then let me know what YOU think.

I highly recommend the following Fringe related sites for your perusing pleasure as well:

Fringe Bloggers

Fringe HQ

Fringe Television

I will probably be writing about this series weekly/frequently, but haven’t decided where yet…

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The Great Grow-Out 08: Month 3 Update

There are times when I stray from pop culture and touch upon the more personal side. This will be one of those entries.

It’s been some time since I posted an update documenting the growth of my hair for my friend Jackie, and for Locks of Love. As requested, here is the current look:

From faux hawk to Wolverine to floppy awkward to…pre-Beatles/Dorothy Hamill in just under three months? Awesome. But I’m not complaining; I’m honored to grow my hair out for Jackie after she donated her own.

Tomorrow she embarks upon another very challenging journey as she begins treatment for what remains of Turk the Jerk (the tumor). Thoughts, prayers, virtual hugs and every other form of well wishes are directed Jackie’s way.

If any of you are interested in making a donation toward the cure for brain cancer (and all other types), please consider Stand Up To Cancer, an organization which she supports.

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The Return of Fall Television: Week 2 Picks

Don’t forget to set your TiVO or DVR for all of the new and returning shows!

Here is what I will be tuning into this week:

Sunday, September 7 (tonight)


True Blood

Mad Men

Tuesday, September 9


Wednesday, September 10


Sons of Anarchy

Project Runway

Saturday, September 13

Saturday Night Live

Any surprises or disappointments with Fall TV thus far?

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Stand Up To Cancer on Friday Night; Make a Donation, Win TV on DVD

On Friday night (September 5, 2008), the big three networks are joining together to host a televised Stand Up To Cancer benefit show.

Those appearing and answering phones include Casey Affleck, Jessica Alba, Christina Applegate, Jennifer Aniston, Lance Armstrong, Halle Berry, Beyonce, Jack Black, Mary J Blige, Josh Brolin, Mariah Carey, Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge, Jon Favreau, Fergie, America Ferrera, Sally Field, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Neil Patrick Harris, Salma Hayek, Scarlett Johansson, Masi Oka, Danica Patrick, Rihanna, Meryl Streep, Hilary Swank and Carrie Underwood, among many others.

In addition to making financial contributions of any amount online or via phone on Friday,  there are a few entertaining options for doing the same. You can bid on celebrity experiences and personalized videos from the cast of Lost and other TV, film, music and sports stars.  All proceeds benefit SU2C.

I have already placed an order for one of the above for a friend (details are hush hush until she receives it). Over on my Lost blog, I have the following contest in place and wanted to extend it to everyone.

If you make a donation of any amount or purchase one of those experiences/videos above from now through Sunday, simply send me an email or leave a comment below and your name will be put into a hat. The name I pull will receive an autographed Counting Crows iTunes gift card and a season of Lost (or your favorite show) on DVD.

Easy enough, right?

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. Tune in on Friday. It’s time to stand up.

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