(Don’t worry, this news does NOT contain spoilers)

I just read that after Season 3 of Lost ends in a few weeks, there will be three more seasons! While it is unusual for a popular television show to have a set date in the near future for the series to end, I applaud the decision to do so in this case.

The final three seasons will consist of only 16 episodes each…but at least they will air all 16 in a row without repeats!

With that in mind, be prepared for a long summer and fall; Season 4 of Lost will probably not begin until January of next year.

The series finale of Lost will more than likely air in 2010.

Which suits me just fine…three more years to overanalyze and obsess about one of the best shows on television, ever.

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A few things before delving into this week’s awesome episode…

I’d like to give a shout out of appreciation to my new LOST friends: Glenn, Porter and Tony. If you also enjoy reading my weekly Lost blogs, please join my Lost Distribution List by sending an email to You will be notified immediately when Lost-specific entries are posted!

For some reason I had difficulty finding screen captures online from last night’s show, so there aren’t many photos accompanying this entry.

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And now, on with the show.

Ben lies. A few episodes ago, he summoned ‘the man from Tallahassee.’ Obviously that was Locke’s dad, Cooper. Last night we learned that Cooper’s last memory before arriving on the island was driving down a freeway…in Tallahassee.

Then again…Ben told Locke that he was the one who brought his dad to the island, and that the magic box was a metaphor. Could it be that the infamous Black Smoke Monster manifested itself again and took the form of someone from a Lostie’s past (see: Eko’s brother Yemi)? How do we really know that it was Cooper?

Remember how Juliet wished out loud that her ex-husband were hit by a bus…and then he was? Did the Others/Dharma somehow also crash Cooper’s car? Were the following car crashes also the work of Dharma??

  • Claire & her mom (she was fine, mom was in a coma); Season 3
  • Kate & the farmer in his truck (she saved his life, but Marshall caught her); Season 1
  • Kate & her doctor ex-boyfriend (she escaped, he died); Season 1
  • Locke confronting his mom (hit by a car in the parking lot); Season 1
  • Michael was hit by a car and wound up in the hospital (his first flashback); Season 1
  • Shannon’s dad and Sarah, Jack’s future wife (he died, Jack saved her); Season 2

Earlier in the season, flight attendant Cindy and some of the kids from the Tail Section appeared in front of Jack, who was locked up in the cage. She said they were there to watch. In last night’s episode, she and the camping Others gathered to watch Locke as he failed to kill dear old dad. WTF are they observing, and why?

Do the Others assume that Desmond is a Lostie? They shouldn’t, because Ben and Juliet could have observed him in the Swan Hatch (via the screens in the Pearl Hatch) way before Flight 815 landed on the island. If they were aware of him, they probably had his chart/info too. Which means that they know who Penny is. And so they wouldn’t be surprised to know that she is looking for him and has the resources to find the island…

BUT, if Naomi is lying and really works for the Others and/or Dharma, was she sent there as a reinforcement? Did she parachute in because Locke really did destroy the Others’ sub?

Jack and Juliet didn’t look too surprised to hear that there was a strange woman on the beach who crash landed on the island, probably because Juliet knew more Others would be arriving and told Jack.

Either way, Naomi is a liar pants. We know that in last week’s episode, she told Mikhail (in Portuguese, mind you), that ‘we are not alone.’ That satellite phone had a signal; is it a tracking device? How is it that the communications hatch was blown up, which affected all island technology, but her phone works?

Locke is the Liar King. A few episodes ago, when he went to say goodbye to Kate in the pool room before abandoning the village with the Others, he told her he tried to convince them to let her go. We didn’t see that last night. He read her personal chart and decided on his own to leave her behind based on his judgment of her past. Tsk, tsk. 

How creepy is it that the Cult of Camping Others would encourage murder in front of children?? There were Tail Section kids among those watching Ben produce and manipulate the Locke-Cooper Freak Show.

According to Ben, Locke had to kill his dad in order to finally move on with his new life on the island (thus purging himself of his life before the crash). Is the same true for Island Sawyer, now that he killed the real Sawyer?

Regarding the secret that Jack and Juliet are keeping, here are my theories as to what it could be:

  • Kate is pregnant (although why would Juliet tell Jack?)
  • Juliet told Jack about her double crossing plans and that the Others were coming to the beach for the women in 3 days


Ben told Locke that they were going to take the ‘pregnant women’ from the beach. Plural! Do they already know/assume that Kate is pregnant?

Cooper’s assertion that they found Locke’s plane at the bottom of the ocean fits right in with Naomi’s news. HOWEVER, Naomi said it was found off the coast of Bali, and Cooper said it was in the Pacific Ocean. Interesting how two new arrivals from the outside world arrived on the island with the same news but with conflicting locations…

Way back in Season 1, Kate told Sun that she was actually trying to get to…Bali. But as we know, the Marshall caught up with her in Australia and she was arrested. The fact that Naomi said that’s where the plane crashed can’t be mere coincidence at this point.

Ben said to Locke, “don’t’ tell me what I can’t do.” Locke has said that very thing on many occasions on the show.

Did they purposefully point out how Sawyer was barefoot as a wink-wink, nudge-nudge reference to the story of Tom SAWYER?

The column that Cooper was tied up to looked quite old, and is probably from the same era as the 4-toed statue. It could have been part of some ancient temple. Perhaps that is why Ben had Cooper tied up to it as a sacrificial lamb.

The file on Island Sawyer’s that Richard Alpert handed Locke was in French. Do we finally have a Rousseau (aka Crazy French Lady) connection??


The following Lostie family members have now appeared on the island:

  • Locke’s dad
  • Jack & Claire’s dad
  • Eko’s brother

Is Juliet’s sister next? Jin’s mom?


Will the island and/or Locke’s healing powers revive Cooper like they did Mikhail?

Did Ben begin to heal because of his proximity to Locke or because he left his village?

Why is it that the Others are so self-righteous about who is ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ and yet they didn’t hesitate to offer Locke the opportunity to kill his own father for show?

Why don’t the Losties question Naomi’s statement that Flight 815 was found near Bali? Out of curiosity, I looked up the location and distance between Sydney and Bali. They are almost three thousand miles apart! That’s a lot further than Flight 815’s pilot’s estimation that they were 1,000 miles off course.

Where the heck is Sheriff Isabel? She wasn’t camping with the Others and we haven’t seen her since she put Juliet on trial.

What the hell is Rousseau going to blow up, and why? Another hatch? The abandoned Other Village?

Where is Alex? You’d think that Ben would insist that his ‘daughter’ accompany him from place to place. Is she with her boyfriend Karl, who we haven’t seen since Sawyer let him go?

If Naomi had a ship, why use a helicopter to reach the island?

The Others took Walt because he was ‘special’ but then released him because they made a deal with Michael. They had high expectations of Locke because he was ‘special’ and his injuries were healed by the island. Why is it that they’re not interested in Rose, who is miraculously cancer-free since crashing on the island?

Now that Island Sawyer has exercised his demons (aka killing the real Sawyer), will he be known as James Ford again?

Richard Alpert, who gave Locke the file on Island Sawyer, mentioned that the Others were conducting other research besides fertility. Such as?

What was Sayid burying or digging up when Hurley found him in the jungle?

If Locke has these healing powers, are they selective? Why is it that his buddy Boone died and yet Mikhail lived?


Like father, like son? Cooper called Ben ‘bug eye,’ tossing out a disparaging nickname just like James ‘Island Sawyer’ Ford does on an hourly basis. And we know that Locke has a brother…

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Thank you to everyone who responded to my last blog. I wasn’t sure what to expect but was pleasantly surprised by the number of comments, and also by the support from people I haven’t even met! The majority of folks who actually read this blog are friends and family, who then forward it on to their friends, but I didn’t want to assume that all responses would be positive. Let’s just say that I was a little anxious after I posted that entry.

To clarify, I’ve actually been ‘out’ since 1993. I’ve just never mentioned it online, because it wasn’t relevant to anything I’d written before. But now it’s out there, and so am I. So stay tuned, and thank you very much for reading.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pretend I have a life but really just prepare for my LOST Wednesday night.

- Jo

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