Wii Are the World
Christmas has arrived early this year in the JOpinionated household! A lovely new Wii and Wii Fit were delivered on Hanukkah Harry’s handlebars (my version of a sled w/reindeer), even though that holiday doesn’t begin for a few weeks either. We’ve named the new system Wiibert. She is interactive and far cheaper than a gym membership…although I strongly disagree with her assessment of my body mass index. So far I am enjoying the balance, strengthening and yoga exercises, and my very competitive better half is mastering all sports games and just about everything else. I made a deal with the Wii (what? she’s my personal trainer) – I will work out one time for every blog entry I post from here on out, alternating between the couch and the balance board. That sounds fair, right? By the way, if you have any recommendations for games, please let me know!