Last night I did something I haven’t done in years – purchased a stack of CDs. Not one song at a time at $.99 each, but actual discs imprisoned by impossible stickers and jewel cases just begging to be cracked. There are certain artists that I will always buy on CD, and paying a few dollars more for the packaging is worth it for the liner notes alone. Inadvertently, my new CDs create a Lilith Fair reunion of sorts: Fiona Apple, Tracy Chapman, Sheryl Crow, and Liz Phair.
I go through phases when songs stick in my head for months, providing the soundtrack of my life. Current obsessions include:
Arcade Fire – Cold Wind (Six Feet Under, Vol. 2: Everything Ends)
Blink 182 – I Miss You [James Guthrie mix] (Future Soundtrack for America)
The Postal Service – Against All Odds (Wicker Park soundtrack)
Cast of Rent – Seasons of Love (2005)