LOST in the (Friday Night) Lights: Dickens Moves From Deadwood to Dillon

Lost fans will recognize her as Cassidy, the mother of Sawyer’s yet-to-be-seen daughter Clementine. Deadwood fans know her as Joanie Stubbs. And now Friday Night Lights fans will become acquainted with the great Kim Dickens, as she will be playing Matt Saracen’s mother for an undisclosed number of episodes when the show returns for Season 3.

Even though she’s only appeared on three episodes of Lost, I’m hoping to see Dickens’ character again in Season 5. Given that many of us think that Sawyer whispered instructions about baby Clementine to Kate before jumping out of the helicopter (and that Kate had met Cassidy before), I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Blog Redesign Contest: Entry #1 (2 Logos!)

As many of you know, I’m currently running a contest to redesign the logo for this blog. I have decided to extend the deadline until August 31.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, I’d like to offer up the very first logos to be submitted. Thanks to Josh B for these two entries!

1. [Josh did his homework; the object beneath this logo is called a Panopticon. It is a nod to Lost and my Jeremy Bentham side project. Note: although Josh earns personal bonus points in my book for the inclusion,  Lost-related icons are not necessary on the logo for this site.]


I would love your feedback. Feel free to leave comments, but please be polite and constructive.

As soon as other designs arrive, I will post those as well.

Thanks for playing!

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Best Show You’re Not Watching: The Middleman


Here’s the situation. The Middleman is a fantastic show, and you’re probably not watching it. YET.

Let’s get you hooked. Start with the trailer.

Then pick up your remote and set your TiVO or DVR to record The Middleman on ABC Family.  Miss an episode or two? You can catch up with the show on iTunes (but it isn’t necessary to have watched it from the beginning).

Admit it, very few series’ on television make you laugh out loud on a consistent basis. Aren’t you tired of staged ‘reality’ and dark, overly dramatic fare on the small screen? And yes, I realize the irony of a Lost fanatic asking this question.

The Middleman is like a live-action comic book adaptation of Alias…if it had a sense of humor, pop culture references, better costumes & villains and quirky dialogue.

This is Wendy Watson (aka Dub Dub or Dubby). She is an artist and a temp, and was recruited by the Middle Man (aka Sexy Boss Man) to fight evil…so you don’t have to.  Trust me, it makes for a hilarious and very entertaining hour of television.

Tonight’s episode features none other than Kevin Sorbo (Hercules). Here is a sneak peek, courtesy of io9 and TheMiddleBlog.

So after you watch an episode or four, fall in love and subsequently set a Season Pass, the show needs your support in order to grace us with a second season.  Please visit the official Middle Man page on ABCfamily.com often, and leave comments.

If you don’t have a Nielsen box (and I’ve never met anyone who does), go to Hey! Nielsen to let the number crunchers know how feel about the series. 

Even if you just tune in, the show has a chance to continue on.

Have I led you astray with such high praise before? No.

Give The Middle Man an hour of your life, because for at least 60 minutes a day, you deserve to be entertained by a great premise, stellar cast and clever content.

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The X-Files 2, or How I’m Failing Mulder & Scully

I am an x-failure. For years I have billed myself as a die-hard fan.  To many, that I have yet to see The X-Files: I Want to Believe is, well…hard to believe.

I am out of excuses, but I would like to state that despite overwhelmingly negative reviews from friends and general word-of-mouth, it tops my list of must-see summer films.  I. Have. To. See. It.

This delay is painful, believe me. It is akin to missing a new episode of Lost

So of course I will provide a full report after I drag myself to the theater.

p.s. I added this Polish poster because it’s far cooler than the U.S. version.

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February 22, 2009 Belongs to Heath

February 22, 2009

The lighthearted host montage is over. There is a palpable electricity weaving throughout the crowd; the buzz is hushed and respectful. Everyone in that room is quite aware which category begins the evening, which golden statue will be handed out first.

The nominees each offer a polite smile when announced, but have no intention of taking the stage.  It is not their turn. Not this year.

Even before Javier Bardem opens the envelope, he knows.  The eyes of the world are upon him, awaiting his delivery of the most anticipated name in award ceremony history. Heath Ledger.

The Kodak Theatre erupts in thundering applause and a lengthy standing ovation accompanies Michelle Williams’ short walk up to the podium. There are quiet tears streaming down the faces of the millions across the globe who are glued to their televisions, as well as silent fists of victory thrust in the air from myriad viewers. She accepts the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight on his behalf, and dedicates it to their daughter.  Her words are as brief and poignant as his might have been.

It is an honor which somehow eluded him the first time around, but one which he deserves both in life and in death.

A man capable of such magnificent and mesmerizing transformation, Heath Ledger is recognized and remembered. Finally and forever.

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