Posted by on May 11, 2007 in LOST, Television | 0 comments

I had a rare afternoon off. But did I go out and enjoy the sunshine? Hell no. I headed right to my laptop to post additional thoughts about Wednesday night’s insane episode of Lost.  

Hello, my name is Jo, and this is my life.


I’d like to give credit to my friend Sara B, who pointed out yet another Wizard of Oz reference. Both Locke and Ben had mothers named Emily…as in Auntie Em (which was short for Emily). Nice catch!

I believe that Locke will survive. The man donated a kidney, was thrown out of an 8-story window, survived a plane crash and was spared by the Black Smoke Monster. What’s a little gun shot to the gut, especially when you have the island on your side?

Back in Season One, Locke was captured by the Black Smoke Monster, but it didn’t kill him. He said he had wanted to face the Black Smoke because he felt like it was testing him…just like Ben and/or Jacob are.   

Since Alex knew to give Locke a gun before his journey with Ben, does that mean that she’ll be the one to find/rescue him? Or will it be her LLM (Long Lost Mommy), Rousseau?

When Ben’s mom appeared to him in the jungle, was that yet another manifestation of the Black Smoke Monster?

Does Juliet know about Ben’s past, about what he did to his people?

If Jacob really is in charge, and Ben reported to him, how were his orders communicated? Did Ben hike up to his cabin every week? Does Jacob manifest himself into a familiar form to contact him?

Just what was Ben doing for 10 years in between meeting Richard and killing off the Dharma folks?

Are the whispers those of the deceased Dharma inhabitants, trying to communicate with/warn the living?

Why couldn’t Ben hear what Jacob said to Locke if he was just having a conversation with the man? I think Ben was only pretending to talk to Jacob, was surprised and pissed that Jacob spoke to Locke, and thus panicked and shot him.

It can’t be a coincidence that Jacob had a painting of a dog and Vincent is the only dog that we’ve seen on the island. After all, his owner, Walt, is ‘special.’

Did the Others know that Locke was going to be shot and/or killed? When Locke told them that Ben was taking him to see Jacob, they all seemed to freeze in fear. Perhaps others have tried to meet or speak to Jacob and never returned. But then why did they always refer to the infamous HIM as a ‘great man?’

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that it was a line of gunpowder up near Jacob’s cabin. And Rousseau had just retrieved a fresh batch of dynamite from the Black Rock…

Then again, if it was dynamite gunpowder, Ben didn’t seem surprised to see it there…which would indicate that he is working with Rousseau…who could have informed him that someone other than Locke killed his father in the Black Rock…which could be why Ben shot Locke. The problem with this theory is that Rousseau would know about Alex if she was working with Ben. And I don’t believe they’ve interacted…yet.

I didn’t even notice this when I wrote it last night…Peter Pan’s LOST Boys are immortal. Those producers are quite well-read and clever.  


How did the Hostiles get through the sonic barrier when they attacked the Dharma village during that school day?? Ben wasn’t working with them at that point, so either someone else from Dharma provided the daily code or they went up and over it.

Where did Ben and the Hostiles get the teargas and masks? Obviously Dharma stocked them in bulk. But why? Did they use it to fight the Hostiles and the Black Smoke Monster?

Was Jacob the de facto leader of the island in the pre-Dharma days? Is he a Hostile? Why is it that Richard and the Others have never seen him?

If Richard was an original island Hostile, why is it that he’s Ben go-to guy for traveling back and forth to the real world? He would have to have some serious training in the ways of the world and technology. If Ben was the only leftover Dharma person, did he really train Hostiles to operate a submarine and communications station, among other things?

At what point did Ben and Richard create Mittelos Bioscience? That was the front that they used to recruit Juliet. Is that how they rebuilt the new team that is currently known as the Others?

Not all of the Hostiles became Others under Ben’s regime. Eko and Jin spied the dirty feet of a few of them, including the kid dragging the teddy bear behind him. How is it that they avoid assimilation into Ben’s new world and now roam freely and separately from the Others?

Did Ben sarcastically say to Richard, “You do remember birthdays, don’t you?” because he knows that birthdays are irrelevant to the immortal Hostiles?

Obviously Dharma teams were on the island long before Ben and his dad arrived. They built the hatches, housing, and security system. How is it that they were able to do this without any trouble from the Hostiles?

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