Posted by on April 19, 2007 in LOST, Television | 0 comments

I do not have as many theories as usual for this week’s episode, “Catch-22.” But here are a few thoughts…

Do people really parachute out of helicopters? Seems kind of dangerous, with the blades and all…unless of course the parachutist has military training. I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that it was a helicopter that crashed into the ocean, even though the Losties thought it was. Also, helicopter fuel tanks don’t hold very much, so it must have taken off from a location close to the island…

Did Naomi, the parachutist, jump before the helicopter (or whatever) started to crash, or during? She certainly drifted and landed quite far from the helicopter crash site.

Now we know for sure that Penny has discovered the whereabouts of Desmond. She sent Naomi to the island after her team saw the electromagnetic anomaly blip on their radar in the arctic listening station (which occurred when Locke imploded the Swan Hatch two to three weeks ago in Lost time).

The book in Naomi’s backpack was Catch-22 in Portuguese. Penny’s listening station team was speaking Portuguese.

Let’s pretend for a moment that you’ve been searching for your long lost love for years. You finally locate where he disappeared to, and you send in…one woman to find him. Penny either knows about the dangers of the island (probably because Daddy Widmore helped finance Dharma) or she has a tremendous amount of faith in Naomi, who must be quite a friend/savior/superhero to take on that job.

The cable on the beach leads into the ocean. Is it connected to the sonar which directs the sub to and from the island?

How/why are there so many copies of that Desmond/Penny photo?!

When Desmond visited Ruth, his ex-fiancé, and tried to explain why he left her for the monastery, she said it was a good thing that a “shepherd” hadn’t found him lying in the street, because then he would have joined the sheep. Yeah, but he’s with a (Jack) Shephard now.

Did you catch that Ms. Hawking, the old woman from the ring shop in Desmond’s last flashback, was in the photo with Brother Campbell on his desk?? So she IS real. Although the picture looked like quite the PhotoShop hack job.

In Desmond’s flash, he saw all three guys holding the parachute to catch the parachutist, including Charlie. So…was he meant to save him after all? As the events took place in real time, had Charlie been shot with the arrow, he wouldn’t have been able to help hold the parachute with Jin and Hurley.


I had to look this up because I am not at all familiar with anything Biblical…there was reference to the sacrifice of Isaac. In the Bible, Isaac is the father of Jacob (the Others’ leader with the list that we haven’t met yet) and grandfather of Benjamin (as in Ben Linus, the Others’ 2nd in command under Jacob). ALSO, Naomi (the parachutist) is a Biblical name that appears in the book of Ruth (Desmond’s ex-fiancé).

Desmond has future FLASHES, and Charlie & Hurley were arguing about Superman and the Flash. Does that make Hurley Superman?  

There was another use of the phrase, One of Us. Brother Campbell told Desmond that he was “one of us” at the monastery.

How is it that no one else on the island also heard the helicopter and/or saw the beacon?

So Flight 815, the real Henry Gale’s hot air balloon, Rousseau’s boat and now the parachutist’s helicopter have all crashed above and/or into the island, marooning them. And yet the sub is able to travel back and forth without issue (except perhaps when it enters through the invisible barrier around the island, which would explain Ethan’s statement to Juliet that ‘the last leg of the trip can be rough.’) So whatever protective barrier (which I like to think of as the Truman Show Dome) surrounds that island must allow underwater and/or subterranean access and also have some kind of trap door that opens up top (to let the Dharma food drops through).

Here is the schedule for the rest of the season.

Episode 3.18
“D.O.C.” (Date of Conception)
Jin & Sun-centric
Looks like we’ll finally find out who Sun’s baby-daddy is.

Episode 3.19
“The Brig”
Apparently, the flashbacks will show us recent events on the island, including what happened after Locke discovered that Cooper (his Dad) was being held captive by the Others. Something tells me that we’ll finally find out that Cooper is the real Sawyer, and hopefully Mr. James Ford (island Sawyer) will as well.

Episode 3.20
“The Man Behind the Curtain”
Rumor has it that we’ll see if Ben really was born on the island and we’ll learn more about Dharma and the DeGroots.

Episode 3.21
“Greatest Hits”
I haven’t heard much about this one yet, but it does not bode well for Dominic Monaghan…flashbacks can lead to death (see: Boone & Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby, and Nikki & Paulo).

5/23/07 (2-hour Season Finale)
Episodes 3.22 & 3.23
“Through the Looking Glass”
There will be a showdown between Jack and Locke.

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