Posted by on October 4, 2006 in LOST, Sports, Television | 0 comments

Today I was super cranky pants. Until I realized that LOST was on tonight; until my team (the A’s) beat Minnesota for the second day in a row, in their stupid home dome, in the playoffs; and until the first rain of the fall season finally appeared in the Bay Area, bringing with it that unique damp pavement smell that very few appreciate but that I inexplicably enjoy.


I love living on the West Coast, except on two occasions. 1) When my baseball team has a morning or late afternoon playoff game during the week, and 2) when my friends on the East Coast call during LOST to brag about how amazing it is before it has aired here. They get to watch it first. Not fair. (Insert crossed arms, furrowed brow and pouty lip here).  


If anyone wanted proof that I’ve transformed into a total TV nerd – right now I am wearing my LOST numbers shirt. I even wore it to work. One could argue that wearing my A’s jersey outside of the ballpark would make me more of a dork, on a different level (I never do, FYI). By the way, I also have on my desk a brand new Dwight Schrute bobblehead (from The Office, for those of you who don’t recognize the name…but should – why aren’t you watching that yet?!). Yes, I’m becoming that girl. Run, Forrest! Run!


I will see you after I recover from LOST.  I’d love to hear what you think. Even I get tired of hearing/posting my opinions alone…

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